So, it's been too nice here to do much in the crafting department since I basically only sew and knit. I was in the need of an outdoor activity to do on nice days to stretch my crafty wings. I've been wanting to get my hands dirty and actually grow a plant for a long time now (sadly, no- my lucky bamboo doesn't count) but I've never had much of a green thumb. So I decided to try my hand at making a terrarium. And if this survives I'll try growing a plant in the ground! If you've never seen a terrarium they're little ecosystems of moss, soil, flowers or other plants that live in open mouthed or closed jars like this:
I have all the supplies I need to start these fellas except for my plants- I know, it's a big thing to leave out- but I'm going to the nursery tomorrow to pick the guys out. I'm going to be taking pictures of all the steps of my journey into terrarium land and I'll be posting them for all later this week. If anyone is interested in making terrariums here is a link to a great site. Happy Planting!