So, I've been seeing screen printing a lot online lately and I thought, "what the heck, I can do that too!" So I checked out WhiMSylove's mini tute and I got shopping to make my own print!
I stopped at Michael's to pick up some Yudo screen printing ink (I'm too impatient to order the Speedball brand online- luckily Michael's is now carrying a screen printing machine and the ink for it) The ink:
Then, I prepared my "screen" (I used an old pair of pantyhose- It's what I had on hand) I got my little robot man from the Kittybuttons stencil website.
The finished product: (I just used an old men's undershirt--you know, the packs of like 6 Hanes shirts). I didn't get very good cover on his one little waving hand, but I think it gives him character!
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